How to run DICE natively or in Docker
While the original version of DICE requires proprietary software to run, the DICE model has been ported to a Julia notebook, and can be run for free either natively or in a Docker container. The recommended way to run DICE is via the Docker container method.
Run using Docker
Then, on a UNIX, macOS or Windows system run the commands:
git clone
cd DICE.jl-notebooks
docker build -t dice-notebooks .
docker run -p 8888:8888 dice-notebooks
Run natively
(This method is not fully tested. We recommend using the Docker method above.)
- If necessary, download and install JupyterLab: Link.
- If necessary, download and install Git: Link.
- If necessary, download and install Julia: Link (tested with 1.7.2).
Then, on a UNIX, macOS or Windows system run the commands:
git clone
cd DICE.jl-notebooks
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.instantiate(); Pkg.precompile();'
jupyter notebook
(Coming soon.)